Material in PDF |
Media |
Learner's Guide |
Worksheet |
English |
Hindi |
Video |
Audio |
English |
Hindi |
Hindi |
English |
Curriculum (651 KB)   |
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Tutor Mark Assignment |
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General Instructions for Worksheet  |
First Page |
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Module 1 |
पाठ्यक्रम 1 : विविधता तथा जीवन का विकास |
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Lesson : 1 Origin and Evolution of Life and Introduction to Classification (635 KB)   |
पाठ 1. जीवन कि उत्पत्ति एवं विकास और वर्गिकरण से परिचय (1.00 MB)   |
Origin and evolution of life lession 1 |
L.1 (part1)
L.1 (part2)
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LG-1 |
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WS 1
WS 1 |
Lesson : 2 The Kingdom Monera, Protoctista and Fungi (634 KB)   |
पाठ 2. जगत मोनेरा, व फंजाई (857 KB)   |
Kingdom Monera,Protista & Fungi-II (Sr.Secondary) L-2
part 02 lession 02
part 01 lession 02
L.2 |
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LG-2 |
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WS 2 |
WS 2 |
Lesson : 3 Kingdom Plantae and Animalia (630 KB)   |
पाठ 3. पादप जगत (प्लांटी) और प्राणी जगत (ऐनिमैली)(857 KB)   |
Lesson 3 Kingdoms Animalia
Lesson 3 Kingdoms Plantae
L.3 (Part 1)
L3 (Part 2)
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LG-3 |
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WS 3 |
WS 3 |
Lesson 4. Cell Structure and Function (630 KB)   |
पाठ 4. कोशिका संरचना एवं कार्य(857 KB)   |
Lesson 4 Cell and Cell Types |
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LG-4 |
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WS 4 |
WS-4 |
Lesson 5 : Tissues and other Level of Organization (630 KB)   |
पाठ 5. ऊतक तथा संघटना के अन्य स्तर(857 KB)   |
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LG-5 |
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WS 5 |
WS-5 |
Module 2 |
पाठ्यक्रम 2 : पादप तथा जीवो के प्रकार एवं प्रकार्य |
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Lesson 6. Root system (634 KB)   |
पाठ 6. मूल तत्र (657 KB)   |
Lesson 6 Root System |
L-6 |
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LG-6 |
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WS 6 |
WS-6 |
Lesson 7. Shoot system (638 KB)   |
पाठ 7. प्ररोह तत्र (657 KB)   |
Lesson 7 Shoot System - II
Lesson 7 Shoot System-I |
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LG-7 |
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WS 7 |
WS-7 |
Lesson 8. Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants (638 KB)   |
पाठ 8. पोधों मै अवशोषण, परिवहन और जल क्षय (वाष्पोत्सर्जन) (657 KB)   |
Lesson 8 Absorption , Transport and Water Loss in Plants Part 1
Lesson 8 - Absorption, Transport and Water Loss in Plants Part 2
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LG-8 |
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WS 8 |
WS-8 |
Lesson 9. Nutrition in plants - Mineral Nutrition (640 KB)   |
पाठ 9. पादपों मै पोषण - खनिज पोषण (657 KB)   |
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LG-9 |
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WS 9 |
WS-9 |
Lesson 10. Nitrogen Metabolism (640 KB)   |
पाठ 10. नाइट्रोजन उपापचय (657 KB)   |
Lesson 10 Nitrogen Metabolism |
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LG-10 |
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WS 10 |
WS-10 |
Lesson 11. Photosynthesis (640 KB)   |
पाठ 11. प्रकाश संशलेषण (657 KB)   |
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LG-11 |
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WS-11 |
Lesson 12. Respiration in Plants (648 KB)   |
पाठ 12. पादपों मै श्वसन (657 KB)   |
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WS-12 |
Lesson 13. Nutrition and Digestion (648 KB)   |
पाठ 13. पोषण और पाचन (657 KB)   |
Lesson 13 Nutrition and Digestion Part 01
Lesson 13 Nutrition and Digestion Part 02
Respiration Part-II (Sr. Secondary) |
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LG-13 |
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WS-13 |
Lesson 14. Respiration and Elimination of Nitrogenous Wastes (648 KB)   |
पाठ 14. श्वसन और नाइट्रोजन अपशिष्ट पदार्थो का निष्कासन (657 KB)   |
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WS-14 |
Lesson 15. Circulation of Body Fluids (648 KB)   |
पाठ 15. देह - तरल पदार्थो का परिसंचरण (657 KB)   |
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LG-15 |
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WS-15 |
Lesson 16. Locomotion and Movement (648 KB)   |
पाठ 16. संचलन एवं गति (657 KB)   |
Lesson 16 Locomotion and Movement |
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LG-16 |
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WS-16 |
Lesson 17. Coordination and Control - The Nervous and Endocrine Systems (648 KB)   |
पाठ 17. समन्वय और नियंत्रण : तंत्रिका-तंत्र और अंत:स्रावी तंत्र (657 KB)   |
Lesson 17 Coordination Through Hormones - The Endocrine System
Lesson 17 Nervous System
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LG-17 |
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Lesson 18. Homeostasis: The Steady State (648 KB)   |
पाठ 18. समस्थापन: स्थायी अवस्था (657 KB)   |
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L-18 |
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LG-18 |
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WS-18 |
Module 3 |
पाठ्यक्रम 3 : जनन एवं आनुवंशिकी |
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Lesson 19. Reproduction in Plants (648 KB)   |
पाठ 19. पादपो में जनन (657 KB)   |
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WS-19 |
Lesson 20 :Growth and Development in Plants (648 KB)   |
पाठ 20. पोधे में वृद्धि और परिवर्धन(657 KB)   |
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LG-20 |
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WS-20 |
Lesson 21 Reproduction and Population Control (648 KB)   |
पाठ 21. जनन व जनसंख्या नियंत्रण(657 KB)   |
Lesson 21 Reproduction and Population Control Part 01
Lesson 21 Reproduction and Population Control Part 02
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LG-21 |
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WS-21 |
Lesson 22: Principles of Genetics (648 KB)   |
पाठ 22. आनुवंशिकी के सिद्धांत(657 KB)   |
Principal of Genetics (Heredity of Variations)
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WS-22 |
Lesson 23 : Molecular Inheritance and Gene Expression (648 KB)   |
पाठ 23. वंशागति एवं जीन अभिव्यक्ति(657 KB)   |
Lesson 23 Molecular Inheritance and Gene Expression Part 1
Lesson 23 Molecular Inheritance and Gene Expression Part 2
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WS-23 |
Lesson 24: Genetics and Society (648 KB)   |
पाठ 24. आनुवंशिकी तथा समाज(657 KB)   |
Lesson 24 Genetics and Society Part 1
Lesson 24 Genetics and Society Part 2
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LG-24 |
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WS-24 |
Module 4 |
पाठ्यक्र्म 4 : पर्यावरण एवं स्वास्थ्य |
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Lesson 25: Principles of Ecology (648 KB)   |
पाठ 25. पारिस्थितिकी के नियम(657 KB)   |
Natural Resources Conservation
Lesson 25 Principles of Ecology Part 1
Lesson 25 Principles of Ecology Part 2
Principales of inheritance and variation (Sr.Secondary)L-25
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WS-25 |
Lesson 26: Conservation and Use of Natural Resources (648 KB)   |
पाठ 26. प्राकर्तिक संसाधनो का प्रयोग एवं संरक्षण (657 KB)   |
Lesson 26 Natural Resources Convention - II |
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LG-26 |
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Lesson 27: Pollution (648 KB)   |
पाठ 27. प्रदूषण(657 KB)   |
Lesson 27 Pollution Part 1 |
L-27 |
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LG-27 |
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WS-27 |
Lesson 28: Nutrition and Health (648 KB)   |
पाठ 28. पोषण और स्वास्थ्य(657 KB)   |
Lesson 28 Nutrition and Health Part 1
Lesson 28 Nutrition and Health Part 2
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LG-28 |
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WS-28 |
Lesson 29: Some Common Human Diseases (648 KB)   |
पाठ 29. कुछ सामान्य मानव रोग(657 KB)   |
Lesson -29 : Some Common Diseases |
1. L-29 (Part -1)
2. L-29 (Part-2)
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LG-29 |
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WS-29 |
Module 5 |
पाठ्यक्रम 5 जीव विज्ञान के उभरते क्षेत्र |
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Lesson 30: Biotechnology (648 KB)   |
पाठ 30. जैवप्रोद्योगिकी(657 KB)   |
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LG-30 |
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Lesson 31: Immunobiology: An Introduction (648 KB)   |
पाठ 31. प्रतिरक्षा जैविकी :एक परिचय(657 KB)   |
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LG-31 |
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Practical Manual (2412 KB)   |
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Sample Question Paper (639 KB)   |
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