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CBSE 12th Results 2014 are going to be declared on 28th May 2014. CBSE 10th Results 2014 were declared on 20th May 2014. Recently, the board has conducted the CBSE 10th 12th class exams. Now all the students are waiting for the results. Here we have some good news for all the candidates who have appeared for the CBSE examination. Here we have some info regarding CBSE Results 2014. Further Details regarding the CBSE Results are given below.
CBSE class 12 results 2014 is expected to be declared on 28th May 2014 at 11 AM. The results will be declared and will be made live as soon as it is announced. Make sure your internet connection is fine and that you dont make any delays to see the CBSE result of you and your friends earliest. All students who have appeared for the exams can check your resut directly from this website. Here we provide you the result directly as soon as they get released.

Exams of CBSE (Central Board of Education) 10th-12th Class were started on 1st March with the exam of English and ended on 17th April with the exam of Painting. Then to get entry in examination hall, candidates also need their hall ticket. With the completion of exams students are happy but still cbseresults.nic.in CBSE 12th Result 2014 is on the head. We know that students are very exhilarated for their results. But here comes a good news for all that CBSE board will declare CBSE 12th Result 2014 on this 27th May 2014 .
CBSE results are declared by Central (govt. recognized) board of India. CBSE 10th 12th board results help students to get admission in the top colleges with your preferred degree courses. So scoring good marks in CBSE 12th Class is must for every student. But if a student has scored less or has failed in cbse exams then NIOS Board is the best option for such students as it helps to save students yeat and is a recogized board like CBSE with the same education pattern.
Procedure to check CBSE 10th 12th Result session 2013-2014
Results of 10th and 12th CBSE Class are going to declared by the central government. For receiving the results, students can click on the below link. By this link you can directly receive your result but in govt official site you may face many problems, such that a huge time is taken for loading which can break your patience in terms of excietment and curiosity to see result loading fast. If site is not opening then we advise the students to check after some time. millions of students must be checking their results that why severs might went down for some time. Keep trying to check your results.
CBSE Class 10th and 12th Board Exam 2014 Result date – Last year the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 10th board exam result was announced on 26 May, 2013 in Chennai Region and 30 May 2013 in all other region. the CBSE announced the results for class 12th result on 27 May 2013. But this year CBSE class 10th and 12th Results is expected to be declared in the third or Last week of may in all regions.