Tutor: SS Coaching team

Many student want to dedicate more time to playing and extracurricular activities when they grow big for class XII. Rest do not find the regular subjects in the higher secondary syllabus interesting. So there is a dilemma that they have to address and find a solution to. Students can choose any combination of subjects and need not write all the papers at the same time. We even offer on-demand examination where a learner can choose a date and subject.
Rest discontinue studies after class X to reach their goals which is not always with education related interest. Some quit school because it does not give them the flexibility to fulfill their dreams as regular schooling goes with strict timetable and good attendance. These students were looking to complete their crucial class X and XII exams without compromising on their interests. Their search ended at the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), a national board of education that allows students to learn at their own pace through the open and distance learning system.
Such students of class X and XII regional-level toppers in the NIOS examinations held in October-November 2013 and April-May 2013 and 2014 who were belonging to different cities of uttar Pradesh like Lucknow, Kanpur, Gorakhpur, Varanasi and Bareilly and the best part is all were from SS Coaching a reputed coaching for NIOS who has well over a decade experience of teaching NIOS aspirants.
Sarvesh Sonkar, Director, SS Coaching for NIOS (Lucknow), said that NIOS is an alternative to formal schooling. The syllabus is at par with other boards but the system is extremely flexible. NIOS will benefit students with learning difficulties too.
21-year-old Harsh Srivastava, who stood first in the April-May 2014 class XII exams, noted that the content was by no means easy. “It is quite competitive. However, I was able to study and dedicate time to cricket and website work which is his my passion.
NIOS also provides contact programmes through their authorised study centres. Learners can take up secondary and senior secondary examinations under NIOS and close to 8,500 students are currently enrolled in NIOS in Uttar Pradesh.