NIOS board mainly can overcome the problem of physical distance for learners in remote locations who are unable or unwilling to attend regular classes. This helps the teacher located in urban setting teach and guide a student living in rural area . NIOS has 27 regional centres in other parts of the world thereby making it an international open school.
NIOS has solved the problem of time and scheduling for client groups that are unwilling or unable to assemble together frequently as they are engaged in fulltime or part time work to fulfil family and community commitments.
NIOS is best in dealing with cultural, religious and political considerations by widening women’s opportunity to learn, meets the needs of populations affected by violence, war or displacement; and makes learning possible even when group assemblies are proscribed
NIOS follows a systems approach sets the conditions for proceeding in an orderly way. A systems approach also recognises that all the components of the system are interrelated. A change in one component will bring about changes in the others.
Open and distance learning programmes, units and institutions use a phased model for problem solving:
analyse ® design ® develop ® implement ® evaluate ® revise
NIOS does not have any age criteria. The NIOS board main motive was to increase the literacy rate by giving an opportunity to the school dropouts so that they can continue their studies from home .The NIOS has therefore intentionally not kept any criteria for age so that more and more dropout students start pursuing their education again. This has drastically increased the literacy rate in India.
NIOS has Special program for board failed students to pass within 45 days of registration. This program is known as ODE (On Demand Examination) therefore making them eligible to get admission that very session of the year in any university in India.
Conducts exam twice a year once in the months of April and October so that students can appear in exam when ever it’s convenient for them. It provides student 9 attempts to its students to appear and pass the exam. The lenient time constraint of five years given to students to clear each of the Secondary and Sr. Secondary (with either or both Academic or Vocational courses) with as many as nine possible attempts, makes it much easier for students with Learning disabilities and Physical handicaps to take exams and even do well as compared to their probable performance under the formal system of education.
Tutor Marked Assignments are helpful in enhancing the learning skills to make the student gain knowledge easily and be a meritorious student. NIOS have developed several means and strategies to help the student learn and be a successful learner. Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) is one such means TMA helps in developing regular study habits in students and give students practice in writing responses to questions thereby having a kind of rehearsal in the preparation for the final examination. The students are even provided with a feedback about the correctness of their submitted TMA by the NIOS faculty assigned for this program. This gives a complete reality check to the student about his current preparation for the subjects and in which subjects he has put in more efforts to score good marks.
These advantages have made NIOS board the world largest open school. It is undoubtedly the world best open board because it so considerate about its students and is always coming up with new rules to help its student study with least difficulty.