You know the boards results are out when your Facebook News Feed is filled with 12th standard students and their relatives/friends posting their reactions. From ‘OMG OMG OMG I can’t believe it!!!’ to ‘Why it always has to happen with me", you have probably been seeing them all since yesterday. But jokes apart, when you are in School life you are made to believe that your whole life depends on your boards results as you have people around you eager to know your marks. Since the 2014 CBSE XII results got announcesd, we bring to you 10 ways in which 12th standard students react to their results.
1.So, this one is for who scored 75%. More than anything else, she is just being gala she ignored her friends, advices against cheating as a crime in exam and carried those same chits in her shoes to the boards exam centre anyway.
2.This one is so horrific, her hysteria only catches up as someone opens the website for her. By the time the exam result website is active and running, she has already fainted.
3.There is always one guy whose only motive in life is to beat someone else at the boards results. He doesn’t care how much he scored, as long as it’s more than what his competitor got. The first thing he does after seeing the result is call the other one up and ask, “Tere kitne aaye?”
4.Even though this school mate did not study well for more than an hour before the exams, he is pretening like he got the biggest shock of his life. Just so his parents don’t beat him up for getting bad scores, he pretends to be in denial.
It’s never ‘his’ fault.
5.This one just won’t believe she scored so less.
And when people call her up,
And when she does come to terms with the reality, she just can’t stop sobbing.
6.And, every group has this guy. More than failing in boards, he is hurt by the fact that his friend somehow managed to pass.
7.The above guy has a female counterpart too, and a lot more vicious. She prayed for the girl from section B to fail more than she prayed for her own scores.
8.God, how we hate those girls who score well and leave no opportunity to rub it in your face.
9.And hunting the above one is the girl who’s high on some sadistic pleasure.
10.There’s also that desperate and chirpy guy who wants to call everyone up and discuss the results.
This is the reason why some of us turn our phones off after the results are declared.
11.Not to forget the guy who entertains everyone by making jokes on himself on the Social Media.
12.While others are anticipating whether their scores will take them to IIT or PMT, this student is just glad he passed. Honestly, he is the coolest one.
13.And, we saved the worst one for the last. You all know the girl who would sob and cry and scream no matter how much she scored.