NIOS Question Papers of TMA for Sr. Secondary (12th) session 2023-24
Senior Secondary (12th) Tutor Marked Assignment Question papers
Download the Tutor Marked Assignments for session 2023-24. Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) are meant to help you learn and be a successful learner. They provide you practice in writing answers to questions and get feedback. These assignments will, therefore, help you to look at your progress in NIOS exam preparation. These assignments are available in a separate book, which is provided to the learners. ABSENT will be marked in the mark sheet in the column for grades of TMAs. So there you have it. Is an ABSENT in the mark sheet in the column for grades of TMAs acceptable to you? According to the Prospectus, submission of at least one TMA in each subject was made mandatory. It was also stated very clearly that learners will not be granted permission to appear in examinations and/or their results may be declared as "INCOMPLETE" unless they have given at least one TMA in each subject. The system of giving 20 percent weight to Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) in final results of the students in NIOS introduced from 2002 examination has been discontinued, subject to TMA being made compulsory and the relative grading in TMA being shown in the final certificate and the separate column (Grade obtained in TMA).