What should a learner do to perform better in NIOS public Examination?
To perform better in NIOS a learner must appear for examination only when he/she is well prepared in the subject. Learners should also attend Personal Contact Programme(PCP classes) regularly at the SS Coaching nios Lucknow, to solve their doubts and problems that they have faced while studying on their own. It is also important that they complete all the tutor marked assignments (TMA) on time and submit to NIOS board.

"How to Prepare for Nios Board?"
Here are some excellent and proven tips. Not all the students are so brilliant and some even fail in boards. Many of you may be working hard and getting good marks and some of you may not be working hard but still manages to get high marks in nios exams, And also there will be a few of you study well but still not able to score well in nios exams. These tips will tell you 'How to prepare for Nios exams in Short and convenient time', 'How to prepare for a secondary (10th) nios exam' as well as senior secondary (12th) nios exam. Here are the success tips to follow:
The 1st success tip: Never fear or hate nios exam and be confident as this board is more like the CBSE pattern. Some students study well but still may be much afraid of nios exams and due to this reason they get distracted and are not able to score better marks. So leave all your worries and free your brain before starting the preparation for NIOS. You have to be confident and it is the most desired power you should have for attaining success. Students should know that there is no shortcut to success and if you studied hard it is guaranteed that good marks will definitely show in your result.
The 2nd success tip: Prepare a good time table, as anything without planning is a waste of time. Prepare a time table before starting the study schedule. This should include all the subjects but may not be with equal priority. Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less and also there should be sufficient intervals between each subject. It is a benefit that NIOS gives good exam preparation material (study material) and if students just concentrate on it, it will save a lot of time in preparation for board exams.
The 3rd success tip: Select a proper atmosphere and surrounding for studying. Study atmosphere has very important role. It should not be like you are watching TV and trying to study at the same time. One thing at one time is when people can extract maximum benefit from the task. Can anyone study well while watching TV? So select a place where you feel comfortable and cozy. That is where you feel relaxed and can concentrate. And importantly it is better to study early morning when all the surroundings will be in silent and you can concentrate more. You need positive energy and your marks will definitely increase, it is a promise.
The 4th success tip: Sit straight this is so important that you have to sit in proper manner while studying. Don't study on bed or lying on a chair instead sit straight. Keep your spinal cord straight. Otherwise placing the legs on the ground causes ionization and induces sleep. It is better to place the legs almost parallel to ground but a little lower.
The 5th success tip: Make notes while studying. An ideal note shall include all important formulae and figures and also other important points. It will be a lot worth if you use this not for the revision in last hours than you skipping through pages of your text book. Also make sure that you download and practice all last year papers from our website for getting a proper understanding about the exam pattern of NIOS.
The 6th success tip: Write and Present well. Try to present answers in points. In essay questions don't forget to underline the important points. Teachers checking in NIOS board pay a lot of attention to cursive and fear writing. Your hand writing also affects your marks. If it is not good enough, don't worry, if you presented it in a good manner you can score more marks. And another important factor to remember, As we all know 'First impression is the best impression'. So, answer the questions you know well, first. This will create a good impression on the evaluator and though you could not write some last answers well, that won't deduct your mark much.
The 7th success tip: Believe in God, Believe in you. The last but not the least point pray well before the nios exam and your mind should be free at least 5 minutes before nios exam. Pray can give immense energy and peace to your mind that will definitely do good for you. And it is much important that you are confident about what you can and will always produce pleasant result. Never fear about the result and know that if you had put an effort into study and were serious then success is on your way.
SSCoaching nios Lucknow, helps students get complete information about NIOS board (National Institute of Open Schooling) with coaching classes that prepare students for clearing nios exams, syllabus and tuition for 10th & 12th students of NIOS Board by qualified staff and trainers who have a decades experience of nios curriculum. SS Coaching NIOS Lucknow, also helps in form filling for admissions in each stream (stream 1, stream 2, stream 3 & 4) of NIOS Board for 10th and 12th admission seekers.