What are the objectives of NIOS open school board ?
The specific objectives of the study were:

1. To inspect the relative cost efficiency, cost effectiveness and cost-benefit of the open school model as compared to the conventional school model in terms of unit cost, private and opportunity cost, public cost, capital / non-recurring cost and recurring/operational cost.
2. To understand the student profile in terms of age, gender, rural/urban distribution, socio-economic status and family background, and see whether this model caters to the same or different populations. (i.e. How does the profile of open school students compare with the student profile of the conventional schooling system?)
3. To explore how open schools can complement the formal system. Is the Open Schooling model best implemented as a parallel, supplementary or complementary system?
4. To inspect the nature and type of courses (academic/vocational) offered by the Open Schooling system and their linkage with higher learning and livelihood/productivity and development.
5. To study the processes of the course development, learner support and learner assessment (both formative and summative assessment) systems used in the Open Schooling approach.
6. To study the planning and management system including the modalities of monitoring and evaluation employed in the Open Schooling system.
7. To study the quality assurance mechanisms in place.
8. To provide professional advice to the Government of India, and to the States, regarding proper development of Open and Distance Learning system at school level in response to requests from the concerned Government.
9. To develop need based Academic and Vocational Education Programmes for livelihood and lifelong learning up to pre- degree level.
10. To attain excellence in developing quality Open and Distance Learning curricula and courseware for learners.
11. To accredit institutions for developing effective learner support system to facilitate learning up to pre-degree level.
12. To strengthen the Open and Distance Learning system through Research and Development activities.
13. To promote open schooling at national and global level by networking, capacity building, sharing of resources and quality assurance.
14. To provide the best possible teaching/ learning environment to its students, so that they can serve the society effectively and with dignity individualized study with flexibility in terms of place and duration.
15. To identify educational needs of the children/persons of the State who are otherwise not catered to by the formal system of school education and to open study/academic centers.
16. To design and develop courses, self-instructional materials (SIM) and other learning support for the courses identified at different points of time, to organize orientation and training programmes for the functionaries of the open schooling system in the country, to evolve strategies for curriculum development, instructional procedures etc.;
17. To establish contacts with international agencies in the field of education, specially school education, for keeping itself acquainted with the latest trends in curriculum development, material production, media use for dissemination etc, to establish links with other examining bodies with special focus on Asian countries;
18. To collaborate with other agencies within and outside the state for developing and delivering skill oriented courses of study, to promote and publicize open schooling programmes and activities in the country.
19. To maintain standards and equivalence with formal education system, while ensuring flexible characteristics of Open and Distance Learning System, to assist and advise the State Government in matters related to open schooling.
20. To provide professional services to the government and other agencies in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of distance and open school system and develop appropriate curriculum for vocational and continuing education to prepare student population for the world of work.
21. To establish linkages with contemporary education systems like State Boards, Sanskrit Boards, Madrasa Boards and state open boards with mainstream education system with mobility across them and equivalence between them;To expand access to school education at all levels and to increase retention rates at all levels of schooling.
22.To encourage, promote and conduct a system of Open School Education relevant to the students/ learners, to organize training programmes at national and international level on `open school’ system;
23.To promote interaction and co-ordination among open schools to make study of various subjects more purposeful and to effect a fusion between traditional and modern system of education;
24. To institute career oriented courses related to education through distance learning/ correspondence courses; to develop courses of education in various subjects.
25. To remove the obstacles for providing secondary and senior secondary education to the disadvantaged sections of the society and to bring disadvantaged groups in the fold of mainstream of secondary/ senior secondary education, to provide facilities for studies and research in Indian classical languages;
26.To develop as a centre of excellence in the field of teaching, training and research related to literature and allied branches of knowledge in various languages;
27. To establish/ affiliate schools for study of literature and allied branches of knowledge; to conduct examinations at secondary/senior secondary levels as per the guidelines laid down, to develop courses of instruction related to various languages and sciences up to Secondary/Higher Secondary level;
28. To prepare `database’ on open schooling and to conduct online and offline examination of secondary , senior secondary level in all over country and to announce the results of concerned examination and release certificates to passed candidates time to time;
29. To establish & maintain institution for the handicapped & for adult education, like vocational training in vocation of household industry, semi – skilled jobs for self-employment, short hand & type – writing, and social science, Languages, Fine arts. Crafts, music, painting, modeling, physical training etc.;
30. To organize educational and vocational training programme with special concern for deprived sections, women/girls and unemployment youth to provide new skills, refine/sharpen/up-grade the existing skills.
31.To open training camps and workshops for the development of arts, plays and culture and raise funds through subscriptions, donations, trade to fulfill the aims and objects, to publish books, encyclopedias, monographs and study materials;
32. To impart free education and cultural training to the poor, failed, dropouts, helpless, handicapped and needy children/students, to establish and maintain institutions for adult education with the consent of the concerned authorities;
33. To provide the best education available in some of the schools in India. Emphasis would be on character building, self-discipline& the development of the creative & social faculties. The society aims at producing well informed & well assured young children just king of children that our country needs.
34. To strive to meet changing need of providing comprehensive education to develop various facets of personality and to impart education to children on the most modern lines & provide an environment congenial to growth & development of the children, To arrange & organize the social, cultural & educational programmes from time to time.
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