What is PCP in NIOS?

To perform better in NIOS board a learner must appear for examination only when student feels is well prepared in the subjects. Learners should also attend Personal Contact Programme (PCP classes) regularly solve/clear their doubts and problems that they have faced while going through the study material by themselves. Also, Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) should be taken seriously as these help in knowing one’s progress and preparation. The study material is designed in a self-explanatory way and it comprises of books, and may include audiocassettes and videocassettes also. They also use televised mediums such as the Doordarshan and the Radio to broadcast study programmes.
These institutions also have to carry out motivational sessions for the enrolled students, to keep them enthusiastic about the course. The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has completed 25 glorious years of its achievement driven existence in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in the school education sector. This journey of the Institute has been quite successful. With about 2.59 million students on its roll, NIOS is credited to be the largest open school in the world with significant popularity in the Commonwealth countries and in other developing and developed countries. NIOS has been offering Secondary and Senior Secondary courses through 3827 study centres, Vocational Education & Training (VET) courses through 1830 study centres and Open Basic Education Programme through 690 Accredited Agencies. There are 27 study centres of NIOS in overseas countries.
SSCoaching nios Lucknow, helps students get complete information about NIOS board (National Institute of Open Schooling) with coaching classes that prepare students for clearing nios exams, syllabus and tuition for 10th & 12th students of NIOS Board by qualified staff and trainers who have a decades experience of nios curriculum. SS Coaching nios Lucknow, also helps in form filling for admissions in each stream (stream 1, stream 2, stream 3 & 4) of NIOS Board for 10th and 12th admission seekers. If you are seeking Nios Admission, SS Coaching nios Lucknow can guide you with the admission process for all streams of NIOS Board.