Is nios student a regular student or learner?
The students can take secondary and higher secondary examination without attending the regular school. So NIOS is not a regular school but an open school where students can study on their own terms, if they have to relocate regularly to new cities, have some physical inability or have performed poorly from other regular exam boards like CBSE, ICSE and UP Board. Individuals who have not gone to any school can also take the examination by NIOS. Open Schooling uses a very broad but simple definition. Open Schooling involves "the physical separation of the school-level learner from the teacher, and the use of unconventional teaching methodologies, to bridge the separation and provide the education and training. "Open Schooling is not called distance schooling for a reason. Open Schooling may follow different patterns, but the most common scenario is that the learners study specially designed open learning materials on their own - at home, in their workplace, wherever it is convenient for them. The "open" in Open Schooling refers to the openness of the system which involves and assists learners with ages, prerequisites, content of courses to be taken or number of courses in which students have a choice to enroll. Thus NIOS opens the doors of new opportunities for these children.

The NIOS programme consists of the regular orientation programmes, coaching classes, study guidance and counseling at all cities in India and selected locations abroad like Dubai, Sharjah etc. SS coaching NIOS center Lucknow, has also been working to make it like a regular schooling experience for students by giving them coaching classes and excellent advice to succeed in nios exams and pursue their career dreams like any other regular board passing student. In 5 coaching classes run by SS Coaching NIOS center Lucknow, 350 students attend regularly. Apart from educational activities they get involved in other educational and extra-curricular activities of the coaching. NIOS is still not very popular but it carries the same value and status like all other government boards in India. Over the last twenty years it has become a platform for underprivileged students to take advantage of the open school education system. At present there are more than 40 thousand students being reached out every year through this program from all over the state of Uttar Pradesh and many of them are taking advantage of educational centres run for NIOS coaching. It is important that, the students from our working areas have the facility of paying the admission fees on installments, and they avail of this facility.
The MHRD took the initiative through the Open School Project of CBSE. Today the alternative system is being looked after by MHRD, NIOS, State Ministries of Education, State Open Schools, State Departments of Education, State Boards of Education and other institutions engaged in ODL operations.
NIOS is a programme especially designed for children of poor economic conditions and slow learning capacities like failed students or poor students in education. So it becomes important for the teachers, providing coaching to these students, to understand the objective of NIOS and special needs of NIOS children. Hence, different orientation activities are organized for NIOS teachers to enable them respond to the needs of these students.
SSCoaching NIOS center Lucknow, helps students get complete information about NIOS board (National Institute of Open Schooling) with coaching classes that prepare students for clearing nios exams, syllabus and tuition for 10th & 12th students of NIOS Board by qualified staff and trainers who have a decades experience of nios curriculum. SS Coaching NIOS center Lucknow, also helps in form filling for admissions in each stream (stream 1, stream 2, stream 3 & 4) of NIOS Board for 10th and 12th admission seekers. If you are seeking Nios Admission, SS Coaching NIOS center Lucknow can guide you with the admission process for all streams of NIOS Board.