skills training needs a push to help school dropouts
Short Film of a Failed Students Struggle
Wait for Credit Transfer Gets Longer
Even a year after the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) asked the Department of Pre-University Education and Karnataka Secondary Education and Examination Board (KSEEB) to adopt the Transfer of Credit (TOC) system for the benefit of unsuccessful candidates, nothing has been done so far. ...Read More
NIOS: Towards learning at your own pace
Good news for CBSE, ISC unsuccessful students
Home Schooling is education with freedom
70% reappear compartment students fail Class-12 CBSE examination again
Open school admissions to increase for UAE expats
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is starting up for an increased clientele in West Asian countries.UAE open School It is hoping that the large number of Indian expatriates employed in skill-based professions in the three countries of Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, which constitute the United Arab Emirates (UAE), will turn to it for acquiring the secondary school (Class 10) certificate. ...Read More